In the course of a real estate transaction, customers may come at you with a lot of objections. So how do you deal with the multitude of concerns that may come your way?

Prospects, for example, may say “no” an average five times before they agree to buy, according to a recent article by sales trainer John Boe at RISMedia. “If your prospect was not interested in your product or service, they wouldn’t be asking questions,” Boe points out. “Simply put, an objection is nothing more than a request for additional information. Top producers not only expect objections during the sales process, they actually anticipate them.”

But that doesn’t mean you should set out to over-educate them and overwhelm them with data. What do you do? First off, Boe says to hear out their objection fully while taking notes, nodding occasionally, and asking clarifying questions so they feel heard. Don’t rush to respond, assuming you’ve heard this objection before.

Instead, Boe suggests restating the objection “in your own words to gain agreement prior to responding.” Also, be sure to never argue or show disappointment with their objections, just acknowledge them, Boe suggests.

“The key to overcoming objections and closing the sale is to remain professional and be persistent without becoming argumentative or defensive,” Boe writes. “Knowing how to effectively address your prospect’s objections brings you closer to their final question, ‘Where do I sign?’”


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