This week, the federal government released more details about its revamped Home Affordable Refinance Program, which sets out to allow more home owners to refinance their mortgage and take advantage of ultra-low rates. The program is geared to those who are current on their mortgage but may be underwater, owing more on their homes than they are currently worth.

Here are some more details about the changes coming to HARP:

  • Borrowers must be current on their loan and have no delinquencies in the last six months. A borrower can be 30 days late, however, on one payment in months seven to 12 of the past year. Borrowers much have 20 percent or less of equity in their homes to participate.
  • Loans must be owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac before May 31, 2009. Borrowers can see if Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac backs their mortgage by visiting or
  • The revamped HARP program will begin Dec. 1, 2011, and run until Dec. 31, 2013. Participating in the program is voluntary for lenders.

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