Now that same-sex marriage is legal, the LGBT community is changing and adapting to the new normal.  This new year and new status quo is sure to bring new trends to the LGBT community.  These new trends will include more than just more same-sex marriages—it will include greater visibility, a move for more rights, and many other trends.

More Homebuyers

There Are Quite a Few Things to Expect for the LGBT Community Over the Course of 2016In the second half of 2015, many same-sex couples married.  Now that they’ve done that, many are preparing to do what most opposite-sex couples do when they get married: they buy their first home together.  While some LGBT couples have lived together for years and bought a home years ago, some have continued to rent because of the fact that they would have to apply as two single people on the mortgage.  They would not have the same type of protection that a married couple would have when purchasing a home.  Today, that’s not true, and many are looking to become homeowners in 2016.

Small Businesses Will Focus More on LGBT Customers

More and more small and medium-sized businesses are entering and driving the market, and these businesses are seeing the value of the LGBT community.  Until recently, the LGBT community has only been courted by airlines, cruises, hotels, and other big businesses.  In the coming year, however, many smaller businesses are starting to focus more on advertising to the LGBT community.

Along those same lines, expect to see more and more businesses of all sizes come out in support of LGBT rights.  While some will certainly see this as a move to simply get more business (and for some companies, it may be), it’s also a sign that businesses believe all of their employees and customers should be treated fairly.

More Attempted Anti-LGBT Legislation

This trend isn’t as positive, but it’s already happening: conservative state legislators are pushing back against the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage by introducing bills with a decidedly anti-LGBT slant to them.  For example, before 2016 was even a month old, the Oklahoma legislature had 26 bills or resolutions being considered that in some way involved discriminating against LGBT people, including a ballot initiative that, if approved, would give private businesses the ability to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages.  They would be protected from lawsuits and any other legal consequences and be allowed to freely discriminate.

While with the exception of the last trend, which we can hope dies off fairly quickly, 2016 is looking to be a good year for the LGBT community.  With one major battle over, couples can now marry and purchase property more easily, trends that are sure to continue through this year.