ClickCease is the leading source of real estate article specific to the LGBTQ community.

Gay Realtor answers: Can I sell if I am behind on my payments?

In short, yes. If you are behind on your payments, it may be in your best interest to sell. You will, of course, still incur the penalties associated with delinquency. Whatever your reason for selling, whether it is to transfer to another city or to get out of a delinquency situation where you face foreclosure, selling your home even if behind on payments is a viable option. You will have to pay back your lender in full. Whatever outstanding payments you owe and the principal on the loan must

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What are the costs of selling my home with a gay realtor?

It may be surprising that the associated costs of selling a home can easily add up to thousands of dollars. Selling a home is a major transition for all parties involved, and, if you aren’t properly prepared ahead of time, it may cost you an arm and leg. Repairs are necessary for the sale to close Potential homebuyers and lenders may insist that you fix a leaky sink, re-shingle or patch a roof, and fix a cracked foundation. Some of these fixes are native to being a homeowner, but if you

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How do I hire a gay real estate agent and how much will it cost me

The best way to find a gay real estate agent is through a recommendation from someone that has used the agent previously. On-line services like have previous client feedback and comments and can help you secure an honest realtor. In the real estate game, so much is about trusted relationships and word of mouth, because buying a home is an investment. You don’t trust just anyone with your car keys or stock portfolio—and this is even more important. Interview with

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Sell “by owner,” or hire a gay realtor?

In today’s market, going it alone may sound like a great idea, but the business of selling a home requires a huge investment of time, money, and access to a large network of potential homebuyers. This is where having a gay real estate agent could save you. Real estate agents will represent you throughout the process of selling your home and make it much less stressful for you. Alternatively, here’s an idea of what you are in for as an FSBO: Advertising You will most likely want to

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Gay Realtor on How long will it take for my home to sell?

You’re probably looking to accomplish two main things with the sale of your home: 1.      Get the most amount of money 2.      Complete the process in the least amount of time In our experience, achieving both is a careful balancing act.  You can sell your home in a heartbeat with a price low enough and, contrary to this, it will last an eternity on the market if it’s overpriced. You can estimate how long your home will be on

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Gay Realtor on Preparing your Home for Sale

Before selling a house, one has to thoroughly prepare their house for selling. By taking certain steps, the home owners can ensure great activity in terms of showings on their home and their home will get sold for the highest amount of money, with the least amount of problems, within a short span of time. The first step that one has to take is to mentally disassociate from the house where they have lived for many years. By mentally conditioning themselves with the fact that the house is going

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Gay Reators Dangers of Pricing Your Home to High

One of the most important factors that determine the speed, at which the home buying and selling process happens, is the price of the property. If the price is too high, then the property will be in the unsold state for a long period of time, especially in this economy. Hence pricing the house correctly is the most important piece of the home selling process. While looking for a real estate agent to market and sell your home, one has to be careful in selecting a real estate agent who quotes

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Gay Realtors 5 Mistakes Sellers Make in Choosing a Realtor

Your home is the single biggest investment you will ever make in your life. Most people take great care in choosing the right Realtor when purchasing the perfect home for their family, when it comes to selling your house, the same care should go into choosing a Realtor to facilitate that process. It is important to consider several things when choosing a Realtor and many mistakes can be avoided. Five common mistakes sellers tend to make when choosing a Realtor are outlined in this article,

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Gay Realtors Tips for LGBT Sellers: How to help attract a qualified buyer

Everyone is well aware that for the past couple of years the real estate market has been rather lopsided in favor of buyers and quite challenging for sellers and their real estate agents. That situation is based on lots of economic factors but it all boils down to the fact that there is an excessive inventory of homes on the market, self employed buyers that used to be able to qualify for a loan now can’t, and people are afraid of losing their jobs so the limited buyers have plenty to

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Gay Realtors Why NOT to Hire the #1 Realtor to Sell your Home

The realtor you hire to sell your home can change your selling experience, and can directly affect how much of a profit or loss you get for your property. While hiring the very best seems like an intuitive and sound idea, you may want to check your reasoning. Why go for the underdog? There are quite a few reasons that one of the “second best” will work harder to sell your home ~ on your terms. First and foremost, remember that this is a business. A realtor’s income is totally

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Gay Realtors Warn About Overpricing Your Home

Gay realtors would like to advise you that overpricing your home is a grave mistake and also an all too common one in the real estate market. It is important not to let the realities of the market in your area be shadowed by rays of optimism. It is one thing to set and visualize the price that you want to sell it at and hope the right person will come along, and yet another to offer the home at a price point that is guaranteed to draw buyers.  Avoid “the kiss of death” by

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Selling? Ensure Your Home Stands Out From the Competition

Homes may be flying off the market in some communities, but the majority of cities are still seeing slow housing sales. As the inventory increases, it will be ever more important to ensure your home outshines the competition ~ here are 5 easy tips to ensure a strong look by home buyers. Home prices are rising, inventory is low and the number of contracts to buy existing homes in March rose to the highest level in nearly three years, according to the National Association of Realtors.

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Gay Realtor on The Choice | Move or Remodel | Real Estate

There comes a time for homeowners when you need to decide if you want to change things and remodel, or think about buying a new home. Both of these options according to gay realtor have advantages and disadvantages that you need to explore before making the ultimate decision, let’s talk about both. Remodeling Your Home Remodelling is something that people do all the time to their existing home. People will go this route when the home needs an extra room, a new look to the bathroom, new

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Selling your Home? Prepare it for your Realtors First Visit | Gay Real Estate

Before you sell your home and have your realtor come and look at the property you’ll need to do several things to fix the place up and make it presentable. The way your home looks cаn be a big selling point. Here’s what you should do. Remove Clutter Your home probably has a few areas that could use some organizing & de-clutter; the laundry area, a child’s bedroom, the den/family room, the kitchen and other areas that typically collect clutter. Before you have

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Gay Realtors 8 Tips for Choosing the Right Agent to Sell your Home

Are you looking for a realtor to represent you in the sale of your home? A good realtor can make a significant difference in selling your home. This article will provide you with 10 valuable tips that will become useful for you in choosing the right realtor. Select a professional with some experience. Selling a home is not considered an easy task in many parts of the country in today’s market. Therefore you need to select a professional who has experience in listing, marketing and

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Spring Selling Tips: Make showings more effective

Before potential buyers tour the home, a seller should take specific steps to help make a strong and positive impression. That will greatly improve the chances of getting a prompt purchase offer at a higher price. Here are some tips from experienced real estate professionals that can enhance success for sellers in any market – including a decidedly lopsided buyer’s market like the one we are experiencing in 2009. · Pricing Preliminaries Avoid the strategy of setting the

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Six Late-Season Tips for LGBT Home Sellers

As the most robust season of the year for most real estate markets comes to an end, those whose properties have not yet sold face challenging decisions. Many eager buyers who came out of the woodwork in springtime and then finalized their purchases over the summer are now gone from the landscape, and less buyers means greater competition for sellers whose listings are languishing. Here are half a dozen helpful tips for home sellers who want to attract a buyer and close a deal before colder

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Go For Sale By Owner or use an LGBT REALTOR

Whenever someone decides to sell a home, the first thing they typically do is factor in the expense of hiring a Realtor. Fees paid to real estate brokers are typically one of the biggest costs in any property sales transaction, and they can take a significant bite out of the homeowner’s potential profits. That’s why, especially during the kind of severe buyer’s market that has existed for the past three years, many LGBT sellers consider taking the For Sale By Owner (FSBO) route

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LGBT Home Seller Tips - Think Like an Inspector

Every spring the real estate market shifts into higher gear as buyers take advantage of pretty weather to go house shopping. Homeowners also seize the opportunity to put their homes on the market, and as the number of available listings surges this seasonal increase stimulates competition between sellers. That’s when LGBT sellers who want to gain an advantage need to try to think like real estate inspectors. Many potential sales fall apart before they make it across the finish line

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