
About Judy

As an agent since 1981 and a broker since 1985, Judy has come to see the importance of reducing the chaos and confusion created in most real estate transactions. As a licensed real estate broker, she concentrates on developing a strategy that suits each client individually.

Judy entered the real estate business in 1983, at a time where interest rates were at an all time high and most properties were on the market for months or even years. Because of this she is exceptionally focused on making sure that each client's real estate transactionss are analyzed as the investment they truly are. Judys perspective is that real estate should fit the client's long term goals and that a planning session in the beginning can save time, money and taxes.

Prior to becoming a Real Estate Agent in 1981, Judy studied to become an interpreter for the deaf. From 1975 to 1981 Judy worked for the County of Napa as an adult education teacher on the Napa Valley College Campus, at Napa State Hospital, and at the Napa County Jail tutoring GED. Judy has earned her Certified Residential Specialist designation and is also in the ranks of the elite Graduates of the Realtor Institute.

Judy is a board member of the North Bay Housing Coalition, a volunteer organization dedicated to providing independent and supported living housing to individuals with developmental disabilities. She is also an ordained minister in Great Western Brotherhood.

I'd love to chat about your real estate needs ~ simply click on the "Contact Judy" button any time!


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Certified Residential Specialist
Member of the Graduate Realtor Institute

  • Estate sales, second homes, probate sales, investment purchases, 1031 Exchanges, commercial properties.